

Leadership Recruitment


A leading Global FinTech Company


FinTech | FinCrime


Urgent FinTech Leadership Recruitment


Lithuania & Poland

The Challenge

Our client, a leading global FinTech organisation, was seeking to identify senior FinCrime compliance talent for a divisional leadership role which could be based either in Lithuania or Poland.

This key role would lead a 60 strong team within the client’s fast-growing operations across the region.

The client had historically struggled to find suitable candidates thorough traditional recruitment methodologies.
Consequently, this had become an urgent hiring requirement.

The client understood that the FinCrime Compliance talent pool was limited and needed to engage a specialist talent research firm to identify relevant talent from across both the banking and payments sectors.

We were required to undertake an in-depth investigation into the Polish and Lithuanian talent markets to ensure that all relevant and high-calibre candidates had been identified and brought to the client’s attention in the form of a thorough talent map.

Our Solution

After taking a detailed brief Parkhouse Bell deployed its portfolio of digital resources, experienced researchers, language capabilities and offline research to undertake a comprehensive programme of talent mapping.

To deliver a best-in-class solution we utilised a wide variety of online sources and technology:

  • Talent insight tools to understand the size of the talent pool, key employers and attrition.
  • AI Sourcing tools to cover a wide range of data sources and uncover lateral talent.
  • Local and specialist sources including ACAMs directory, GoldenLine, press releases and events.

We verified and then expanded on the online mapping research with telephone research, to ensure that all individuals were still in role, confirming job titles and current status.

The telephone research also provided additional offline identification work, resulting in the discovery of further relevant individuals with private or no online profiles.

Alongside a thorough talent map, Parkhouse Bell also undertook an analysis of the talent pool, producing a talent insights report which highlighted talent hubs, leading employers, tenure, gender balance, career experience, specialist qualifications and international remit.

Parkhouse Bell’s analysis highlighted an imbalance between the length of experience required for the role, and the availability of this in the market, allowing our client to recalibrate their candidate benchmarking.

The Outcome

Within 4 weeks, Parkhouse Bell identified over 120 individuals relevant to this highly specialised and niche role.

All individuals identified were tiered by strength of profile allowing the client to prioritise candidates for the next phase. The talent map resulted in 12 candidates invited for interview and a placement was made.

The project realised significant return on investment for our client and represented a highly cost effective method of identifying niche and scarce skills.



Leadership Recruitment


A Leading Global FinTech Company


FinTech | FinCrime


Urgent FinTech Leadership Recruitment


Lithuania & Poland

The Challenge

Our client, a leading global FinTech organisation, was seeking to identify senior FinCrime compliance talent for a divisional leadership role which could be based either in Lithuania or Poland.

This key role would lead a 60 strong team within the client’s fast-growing operations across the region.

The client had historically struggled to find suitable candidates thorough traditional recruitment methodologies. Consequently, this had become an urgent hiring requirement.

The client understood that the FinCrime Compliance talent pool was limited and needed to engage a specialist talent research firm to identify relevant talent from across both the banking and payments sectors.

We were required to undertake an in-depth investigation into the Polish and Lithuanian talent markets to ensure that all relevant and high-calibre candidates had been identified and brought to the client’s attention in the form of a thorough talent map.

Our Solution

After taking a detailed brief Parkhoise Bell deployed its portfolio of digital resources, experienced researchers, language capabilities and offline research to undertake a comprehensive programme of talent mapping.

To deliver a best-in-class solution we utilised a wide variety of online sources and technology:

Talent insight tools to understand the size of the talent pool, key employers and attrition.

AI Sourcing tools to cover a wide range of data sources and uncover lateral talent.

Local and specialist sources including ACAMs directory, GoldenLine, press releases and events.

We verified and then expanded on the online mapping research with telephone research, to ensure that all individuals were still in role, confirming job titles and current status.

The telephone research also provided additional offline identification work, resulting in the discovery of further relevant individuals with private or no online profiles.

Alongside a thorough talent map, Parkhouse Bell also undertook an analysis of the talent pool, producing a talent insights report which highlighted talent hubs, leading employers, tenure, gender balance, career experience, specialist qualifications and international remit.

Parkhouse Bell’s analysis highlighted an imbalance between the length of experience required for the role, and the availability of this in the market, allowing our client to recalibrate their candidate benchmarking.

The Outcome

Within 4 weeks, Parkhouse Bell identified over 120 individuals relevant to this highly specialised and niche role.

All individuals identified were tiered by strength of profile allowing the client to prioritise candidates for the next phase.

The talent map resulted in 12 candidates invited for interview and a placement was made.

The project realised significant return on investment for our client and represented a highly cost-effective method of identifying niche and scarce skills.

20 Little Britain, London, EC1A 7DH