Global Executive talent expertise in Banking, Payments, FinTech, Asset Management & Insurance.

We support organisations in the Financial Services sector to understand the context of the external global talent landscape and thereafter to identify, attract and retain world-class leadership talent.

Our Banking, Insurance and Asset Management expertise stems from over three decades of combined Executive talent research experience.

Incorporating Retail Banking, Investment Banking, Commercial & Corporate Banking, Private Banking & Wealth Management and Insurance, we support clients across Europe, APAC and the Americas.

Our deep understanding of global FS markets allows us to scope and deliver innovative, agile solutions to meet our clients’ needs.

In addition to talent acquisition, some of our special areas of expertise include talent location insight studies and analysis, improving diversity and helping clients to harness circular economy opportunities through the acquisition of market leading talent.

Case Study

Talent Insights

Global talent location for a leading global bank.

Our expertise includes:

– Retail banking
– Investment banking
– Private banking
– Wealth management
– Commercial/Corporate banking
– Asset Management
– Offshore financial services
– Fund administration
– Insurance
– Support functions, including:
  HR, legal, technology, audit, compliance, risk management
Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast

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20 Little Britain, London, EC1A 7DH